
Hi Greating....

This blog is a personal blog and made to document all blog owner experiences in the knowledge of lean.
first i want to introduce my self;

I am Rokiah, I am just a grandmother who is very fond of my grandchildren's, I write on this blog only a hobby to spend my free time while i am not with my grandchildren.
on the picture is one of my beautiful grandchild, and thanks to my God that given me the most beautiful gift in my life, they are my grandchildren's, who are active and loving me.

Leannos.blogspot.com Introduce :

from LEAN to LEARN
Lean is a journey, there is no finish line for lean

I hope that the leannos.blogspot.com can be useful especially for the owner of this blog and generally for readers of this blog.

Best greeting from Us and wish you all the best



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