Kaizen Event Definition

Kaizen Event - In a lean system that embraces a continuous improvement system, improvements are made to improve productivity. One of the activities in the improvement is kaizen. Kaizen is continuous improvement and continuous improvement as a philosophy.
That any process, no matter how mature or effective, can be improved.
It is one of the principles of the Lean Manufacturing process and it has been used by Toyota for years to drive out waste.

Kaizen Event
Levels of  Kaizen

What is Kaizen Event

Kaizen event is a practical, hands on educational opportunity that allows  transfer of classroom and hands on learning to actual improvements to any process.
Kaizen event is :
  • A method to kick start improvement in  short period of time. 
  • Helps develop a foundation for “Continuous Improvement”. 
  • Not limited to just manufacturing processes.
  • Brings people together and activates them.
  • Results can help promote the activity.

A “Kaizen Event” is a focused short term effort and is designed to:
  • Help remove barriers;
  • Generate ideas;
  • Try out changes; and
  • Encourage team problem solving

What is Kaizen Event Learning

From the activity, the participants will get additional science especially about the mindset improvement and the methodology. 
Learning that we get from a kaizen event:

  • Grasping actual situation.
  • Meaningful application of concepts and tools.
  • Get to know preparatory work for kaizen event.
  • Engage with process owners.
  • Establish metrics to measure success.
  • Scheduling activities and sensing progress of events.
  • Share class room knowledge and factory floor application for Kaizen Event activity.
  • Ability to lead and carry out the activity on the floor.
  • Address and removal of barriers.
  • Reporting out.

Basic Agenda of Kaizen Event are :

Day 1: Current State Analysis and set targets (PLAN)
Day 2: Develop Ideas and create an action plan  (PLAN)
Day 3: Implement Change (DO)
Day 4: Trial and Measure (CHECK)
Day 5: Standardize and document and report out (ADJUST)

How to plan a Kaizen Event :

  • A trained/ experienced facilitator.
  • Gain commitment/ understanding from management.
  • Define boundaries – Location – Every one knows.
  • Define what you want to improve/ define metrics.
  • Communication – Entire floor/ Team/  Management teams/ Kaizen team.
  • Select your teams.
  • basic pre-event training.
  • Repeat the 5 day program (Day 1-5) as per given guide.
  • Presentations.
  • Congratulations & celebrations. also Check and adjust than Rinse and repeat – Plan your next event.

By Checking, he replied, I show respect for each team leaders activity. I confirm a good condition. And I emphasize our standard.
  Pascal Dennis


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