Why Organizations fail at Lean

Why Organizations fail at Lean - Many companies are adopting lean systems, but not a few of them do not feel the results they want. This failure is caused by many factors that we unknowingly turn out the organization turns out that it is the main factor of lean system failure in our organization, generally failure occurs because 8 fatal errors that make lean.

Fatal Errors that make Lean Fail

Allowing too much complacency

Just because things are going well now, doesn't meant they can't suddenly go horribly wrong.

Failure to create a sufficiently powerful team

The role of a team work is important, the company hope can achieve success from a team. But it can not be denied that during this time many work teams that have not function properly, as a result the team's goals and mission itself is not achieved.

Underestimating the power of vision

When every employee feels that the company's vision is not their goal because of their unbelief of achievement, it allows for the company to think of lean as merely a accessories for the company.

Under communication

Less communicating vision and communication must touch the heart and mind.

Permitting obstacles to block the vision

For every achievement that a company will achieve such as lean practice that is expected to reduce waste is sure to face a variety of obstacles, such as the lack of support from others in lean execution and the company letting it happen, it is certain that the implementation of lean on the organization will not reach maximum result.

Failing to create short-term wins

For any changes and improvements made by the company should be at the level of each member of the employee enjoying and feeling for the results obtained from the change.

Declaring victory too soon

Generally when we or the company has achieved the achievement of productivity and it makes us feel satisfied without seeing the market developments that occur in the future.

Neglecting to anchor changes firmly in the culture

New behaviors must be made permanent.

Lean Change Efforts Fail 

If we talk about Lean so how we change, and next question is why change efforts fail and the answer of it is Fatal Omissions, that's mean :

  • Not addressing the concerns of individuals within the organization
  • Not considering the effects on the organization as a whole

Successful change leaders attend to individual needs while remaining aware of the effects of change on the whole organization.

Lean Sustain

How to make Lean Sustain. Let's think do we make a Lean as a rule or a lean as a tool, this how we DEFINE LEAN AS A STANDARDIZED WAY OF THINKING, if we have think about this, than we can define "MAKING LEAN SUSTAINABLE", if we want to make it sustain;

  • Start Changing the thinking of the organization NOW!!!!!
  • Keep moving closer to the ideal state – Constantly
  • Learn more on how to move the organization forward
  • It’s a long journey to achieving LEAN
  • Always remember that our Decisions Make the Difference, This set of decisions that can change your experience, They are fundamental and They must be pervasive in the organization.

To make lean success in organization, just make sure that we make decisions, like:

  • Set an appropriate pace. Means It is a never ending story, A sprint will only leave you without the energy to finish the journey and Methodical steps, no matter how small, will accelerate the rate.
  • Involvement. Means Are we going to exclusive or inclusive?, There aren’t enough salaried personnel to pull it off and Is synergy a reality or a myth?
  • Development. Means It’s a business strategy, It determines the quality of implementation, Would you ever ignore the maintenance of a machine ? and The return on investment has a triple digit return. 
  • Mutual trust and respect. Means Trust is like a poker game, Trust is earned only over time, How can we honor each other? and The lines are blurred but the responsibility is still with management. 
  • Open information. Means the old model has information as power and therefore to be closely held, Problem solving is most effective if the current situation is known and Some information can be closely held. 
  • Accountability. Means Insist on it, but make a learning experience from the event, Allow peer pressure and Hold management accountable for the policy deployment. 
  • Business Goals. Means don’t forget why you are doing lean, Lean at the expense of business performance is unacceptable, The short run returns don’t always tell the tale and Share performance and challenges. 
  • Leadership. Means Leadership is situational, Leaders can come from anywhere, and Leading a team is different from leading an individual. 
  • Waste Elimination. Means There will always be waste, It is a never ending pursuit and people will have to be challenged from time to time. 
  • Recognition. Means reward those who follow, recognize for true emphasis, be genuine and do it often


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