Quick Changeover Activity

Quick Changeover Activity - Changeover is the process of setting up the production line for a different process or product.
at changeover we will calculate the time, so changeover time is the time from the last good part till the first good part is produced after the changeover.
To calculate the changeover time we need to do :
  • Pre-stage (preparation)
  • Remove the old setup
  • Insert the new setup
  • Perform any necessary adjustments
  • Clean- up and replace the outgoing equipment
and the meaning of Quick changeover is an organized process that continuously reduces the setup time.

Reduce Change Over Time

To increase the productivity, we need also to reduce the change over. If want to reduce changeover time, we need to do the steps :

Select a team

Criteria to select a team are Identify the necessary members, include key contact personnel and divide into full-time and support personnel, and the next step after we get a team, observe/ record current changeover process.

Observe and record current changeover process

What kind of data we need :
  1. Record current changeover process
  2. Videotape
  3. Divide into steps
  4. What, When, Where, Who and How
  5. Measure (estimate) distance
  6. Time (estimate) distance

What the team need to do to get the current data; The FIVE STAGES of Change-over:
  1. Pre-stage/Preset (preparation)
  2. Remove the old set-up
  3. Insert  the new set-up
  4. Perform any necessary adjustments
  5. Clean- up and replace the outgoing equipment

For doing the five stages we need to know about internal setup and external setup.
Internal Setup is activities that must be performed while the machine is shut down or idle, and External Setup is activities that can be performed while the machine is running or producing.

Reduce current changeover time

After we get the current data, next step is improvement how to reduce current changeover time, we need to specific about :
  • Distinguish internal from external activities
  • Shift internal to external activities
  • Streamline both internal and external activities
  • Prioritize and select improvement ideas
Shift internal to external activities :
  • Prepare in advance any operational conditions currently performed in internal setups
  • Do as much as possible before the machine stops
  • Develop checklist
  • Insure all tools, dies, jig, gauges function perfectly before changeover process
  • Standardize parts & tools
  • Presenting dimensions, tolerances, and alignment before changeover begins

To streamline external and internal activities :
External setup improvements : Typically including streamlining the storage and transport of parts and tools and Internal setup improvements, like 5S Organize all necessary items / remove all others, Error-proofing, Visual Factory, Parallel operations, Functional Clamps, Elimination of Adjustments and Mechanization & Autonomation.
Also to do the improvement we need to prioritize and select improvement ideas.Use prioritize table to evaluate improvement ideas
Quick Changeover

Develop new process and standardize

Create new changeover procedures beginning with quadrant one ideas from the table.
after we get the priority and we get the improvement, the last step is develop new process and standardize.
To ensure the improvement of quick changeover, need to do Plan-Do-Check-Act ( PDCA ) cycle for all this goes well and achieve the goal.


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