Problem Solving

Problem Solving - For solving the problem we can't solve it by using the same kind of thinking when we created them, because in the same way we will only discover new problems without finding the improvements that should be the focus. Before making improvements to the problems that occur, it would be nice we know in advance the meaning of the word of problem.
Problem is something to be solved, and the man who can solve the problem is a problem solver, that's mean to solve the problem we should have a sense.

Objectives of Problem Solving

To prevent recurrence of a problem by eliminating its cause

Prevention should be at the root of the problem, so the problem does not re-appear in the later things, like when we are going to cut the tree, if we cut only the branch of the tree, it will grow branches from the branch that we cut, same as a problem. Needed to solve the problem until the root of the problem so that no other problems arise caused by the problem that had been solved.

To create problem solvers

Is needed training of individuals and employees to be able to have a pattern of thought as a problem solver, because in the problem is also required regular steps so that in solving the problem does not jump to the solution. It is expected also that every individual or employee has a mindset that problem solving is not because of the management that asks but from the awareness of each self to solve the problem in order to achieve the goals of the company's organization.

You can give a person a fish, or.....

When there is a problem that occurs, then every individual or employee should be part of the problem solving team, because solving the problem is not only top level management responsibility to solve the problem but it's all level responsibility.
If this happen, that's mean top level only do one way communication - top to down. and it will educate the employee to not have a problem solving mindsets.
If every problem is solved only by a certain level-lever, then every employee will face the same problem and just stand idly by certain levels to solve the problem.

To become a problem solver, we should know what is the basic of it, need problem solving mind set to all employees and all levels in organization. And that will be easier for the organization to identify the problem.

Master the Art of  Problem Solving

To become a problem solver we should know :
Problem solving definition
"No problem" is problem 

“No Problem” is problem

In general every employee will be very afraid to reveal the problems they face, as this will complicate them with various reprimands and anger from their top. This will be a source of disaster for the organization of the company, because the hidden problem will nurture into a big problem which will then be at the end of the journey of organization, and to solve this, it will be too late.

Problems are opportunities to learn

Every corporate organization must have a mind set that in every activity will surely deal with problems and constraints, so it is necessary for every employee to assume that every problem is an opportunity, this opportunity is how we do the continuous improvement to rise or achieve the target or goal of the organization.
Every leaning from the problem that can make the organization grow and survive against each of their competitors.

Problems are like bubbles, many small problem, Some medium sized problems and very few big problems. the the opportunities to make the problem not be come big problem.
Try solve the small one and it can not be a medium or big problem, but if we try to hide the problem so we will face the big one.
To solving the problem we need to train the team with the scientific method to ensure that they solve the cause of the problem, Scientific Method like Observation this to defined the background of the problem, with the facts by using questions to process owner, also need theory for model of understanding for each the problem that we want to solve, after we get the theory, next step is hypothesis, the mean prediction of outcome and after we do the theory we need to experiment or try it and testing of hypothesis for see the results, objective evaluation of experimental outcome and the last is conclusions, this conclusions need to proof or disproof of theory, based  on knowledge derived from results.

To solve the problem we need to see loops of problem solving, they are; single loop, this mean only use the activity like identify a problem and fix the problem only, and double loop, this activity including identify a problem, find the part of the process that is not understood, investigate to understand the process, use new knowledge to design better system and implement better system.
Problem Solving


The problem solving process involves four phases, they are Plan, Do, Check and Action.

The objective of PDCA :

Provide a (Plan-Do-Check-Action) user friendly problem solving process to establish a systematic approach of working through problems, introduce the problem solving process and the problem solving format, provide practice using the problem solving process and preparing problem solving reports, write a clear problem statement based on known facts, and set attainable problem solving targets/goals, and other objective of PDCA are :
  • Identify the facts needed to determine the root cause(s) of a problem.
  • Generate and select countermeasure(s) to deal with the root cause(s).
  • Write/develop a plan to implement the countermeasure(s).
  • Use Progress Management Charts to check the progress of implementation and the results


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