Lean 5S Introduction

Lean 5S Introduction - In the concept of lean manufacturing that embraces the principle of continuous improvement or can be called kaizen, sometimes many of the basics of such improvements are forgotten by executing lean practice. The most fundamental foundation of improvement and prevention is the 5S concept.
Since one of the most effective tools for continuous improvement in lean manufacturing practice is the 5S concept, and this concept is the prevention and reduction stage of waste in the company.

The 5S Sequence

Seiri - Short

The point is how to get rid of unnecessary things during the process until the material rate can smoothly without experiencing obstacles such as the buildup in a process that will impact on the difficulty of finding problems that occur because of accumulated by other materials. And summarize, it also means to bring the goods or tools needed in a process, because this will affect the savings of search time and the time required equipment / material needed.

Imagine if the items needed are far out of reach, then we will need a long time-consuming movement, especially if the items we need are in a pile of goods that we do not need at that time, other than the long time we will take Goods we need, also we will need a long time also to find the goods we need among the items that have not or not we need. In a lean manufacturing system, those times will be wasteful in a production process, because those times are time-incapacitated (NVA) and time-consuming but not required in a process (NVAN), NVA time nor NVAN will be high so it impacts our results / productivity.

Seiton - Straighten

Rapid conditions around the workplace such as manufacturing, in sewing machine and supporting machine. For example: mark the placement of work support tools such as piping funnel, tie scissors with rope and others.

Tidying goods or materials that are needed or not needed, will affect our ease in finding the items needed and will be needed, and will facilitate us to identify the goods / materials lost or less because it is not where it should be. In general, the placement of goods or materials using a shadow board that is visual which will be very easy to understand by every level. An example of a shadow board such as if we provide a place for a screwdriver, then the board is formed image screwdriver in accordance with the shape and size of the screwdriver, as this will greatly facilitate users to identify their goods. The use of shadow board, now not only used by lean manufacturing alone but has been widely used by large businesses and small as in the workshop and so on.

Seiso - Sweep and clean

Clean the work area at any time, for example by cleaning up the remaining fabrics, dust and other dirt every 5 minutes before work and 5 minutes before returning home each day. This is to ensure ownership of each employee to the quality of the product that will be produced by the company.
Lean 5S Introduction
Imagine if the tools or materials that we use as tools / materials to make a product requested by the customer, there will be a lot of dirty on the resulting product. The most severe will be a lot of great cost in the care of a support tool production itself if cleaning is not done regularly. Piles of dirt such as remnants of pieces of material from the pieces of material or material to be made into the product, affect the clogging of the flow of oil / oil on the engine and will result in the production engine removing oil / oil and affect the contamination of goods / products produced with Oil / oil. And this will cost production as well as excessive resources, because the contaminated products need to be cleaned and engines that exclude oil / oil that should not be repaired.

Seiketsu - Standardize

Do the above-mentioned business on a regular basis and if necessary a routine audit involving management in controlling and supervising the business that has been done by employees. And if a condition is found to be unexpected, then the audit result is important to follow through kaizen activities, to achieve the perfection of the 3 points above.

The management level needs to take part in this activity because to ensure that all three points above are going as expected, contributing to this is full support for the implementation of the 5S concept, so that lean practices are run in tandem with the implementation of the company. Without the support and support from the management in the implementation of this 5S audit and implementation, it is ascertained that this concept is only limited to the concept of not the proper implementation and if this happens, then the company will not get a positive impact from the implementation of this 5S concept.

Shitsuke - Standardize

This involves management accountability in training a person to comply with all regulations relating to company rules regarding improving the cleanliness and comfort of the workplace, as well as the result of kaizen practice performed on the above four concepts before standardizing the improvements found during the audit.
Because standardization does not have to be standardized, but standardization will continue to be improved in line with kaizen implementation and continuous improvement, adapting to the passage of time and the company's need for customer's keenness and satisfaction.

The 5S concept is an effective method of creating an ideal work environment in which the work environment has an enormous impact on quality and productivity.

Cleanliness, comfort and freshness of the workplace have an influence on the motivation of human resources in work. 5S is an effective means to improve the basic mentality of workers including the way of thinking and acting in the execution of daily work and attitudes that support the implementation of corporate management systems.


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